When is the Best Time to Start Using Retinol?

When your skin starts showing wrinkles or you need something to make you acne disappear then you should start your retinol routine. This routine will help you keep your skin look refreshed even the dermatologist calls it the holy grail of skincare.

Choosing the right time to start using retinol

There is no definite time to start using retinol. Meanwhile, most dermatologists suggest to start using retinol in the appropriate time, in their late-twenties.

Most people introduce their skin to retinol when they are 25. The frown lines appear in women in their early 30’s which make them very anxious about their skin ageing.

skin ageing

Reasons of using retinol

  1. Anti-ageing and brighten skin tone.
  2. It removes dead skin cells and dull skin.
  3. Helps to unclog your pores.
  4. Helps in increasing the production of Elastin and Collagen.

When and Where?

  • Use retinol only at night and make sure to apply sunscreen every day, because regular use of retinol can make your skin sensitive to the skin.
  • Apply SPF-30 or higher to prevent any irritation in sunlight and it also helps to prevent skin cancer and sunspots.
  • Apply a small amount of retinol on the skin and avoid any contact with the eye area.
  • When applying don’t stop at your face also don’t neglect the neck which is notorious for showing signs of ageing.


Wary of side effects

It doesn’t work equally on everyone. If it is too powerful on a skin which requires a gentle touch it can cause effects, such as mild irritation, dryness. People with conditions like rosacea or eczema, should be wary of retinol or advise not to use.


As it goes with any range of skincare products it takes time to see any major difference. 4-6 weeks is average for acne and around 12 weeks for any anti-ageing effect. Right now it is one of the recommended products from dermatologists and with very good and proven results.